powered by TidyHQHorses : DARTMOOR PONY
Origin: Dartmoor, Devon and Cornwall, England.
Australian Status:
International Status: In its home country, the UK, the Dartmoor is listed as Endangered (300 - 500) and as Threatened by EST globally.
Arrived in Australia: Late 20th century.
Australian Population: 63 breeding age mares, with 90 mares in total. 11 stallions and 65 geldings. - 2020
History: One of the iconic mountain and moorland breeds. Bred on the moors in Devon, south-west England. Now the Dartmoor National Park, it covers a big area that runs into Cornwall. The ponies are popular tourist drawcards. Ponies and horses have wandered wild there for centuries. Dartmoor Ponies were first recorded in the Polo Pony Stud Book, then with the National Pony Society until they got their own Dartmoor Pony Society. The breeding records kept by the other breeding organisations were adopted, giving breeding records going back a century. They are sometimes known as Pedigree Dartmoor Ponies now, to differentiate them from the other ponies still wandering wild on Dartmoor, of unknown background. The Australian Pony Stud Book was formed in 1931 as a cover body to record pony breeds in Australia; at the time, 1931, there were no Dartmoors here.
Breed traits: Height 12.2hh and below. Colours : Black, bay, chestnut, grey, roan. No broken colours. White markings kept to a minimum. Small alert ears as in keeping with a true pony. Good shoulders, well-sprung ribs. Large kind eye. Full mane and tail. Good bone, strong gaskins, well let down into the hock. Short cannons, plenty of good flat bone. Sloping pasterns but not overly long. Hard well-shaped feet. Low straight action.
Breed Organisation: Dartmoor Pony Society of Australia (affiliated with the English society).
Australian Pony Stud Book Society http://www.apsb.asn.au/.
The English Society http://www.dartmoorponysociety.com/aboutthebreed.html
In Dartmoor are other interest groups also fostering the hill ponies.
Additional Notes: Foal chart for the past decade https://drive.google.com/file/d/12lqu8Vi892NZWJsH87NPOdLMBtSf5KZ6/view?usp=sharing
Photo : Moorlanda Mayka, Dartmoor mare, kindly supplied by Kathy Pile. A grand little mare.
Page by Janet Lane
(population updated 25/04/2020 by A.Y.)