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Dewsburys Free Range Pork, Eli Hamilton Bailey & Ebony Garner, Southern Tablelands, New South Wales
Duroc and Hampshire Pigs, Free range pork sold by the breed
Oakleigh Pasture Pork, Jack Hewitt, Gunnedah, New South Wales
Berkshire, Wessex Saddleback, English Large Black, Duroc and Large White Landrace pigs
Wagga Free Range Pork Mangoplah, New South Wales http://www.facebook.com/freerangeberkshiregoldpork/
Berkshire pigs
Burnett Bounty Pty Ltd. Sharon Trim, Windera, Queensland, https://www.facebook.com/Burnett-Bounty-Pty-Ltd-1788211604748608/?hc_location=ufi
Large Black Pigs
Gleneden Family Farm Rohan and Fiona Morris, Maryvale, Queensland morrises@glenedenfamilyfarm.com.au https://www.glenedenfamilyfarm.com.au/
Wessex Saddleback pigs, Farm Tours, Bullock Team, Bush skills, Farm Camping
Tilba Tilba Judy Barnet, Glenlyon, Queensland ewe2@bigpond.com
Large Black pigs, Nitrate free Ham and Bacon
Shorthorn Beef
Howie Hill Farm McLaren Vale, South Australia https://www.facebook.com/Howie-Hill-Farm-1915929275289008/
Berkshire pigs, Pork Boxes,
Heritage Belted Galloway
Gumshire Pork The Blenkiron Family, Barossa Valley, South Australia
https://www.facebook.com/Gumshirepork (email: admin@gumshire.com.au)
Hampshire, Duroc, Large White and Landrace Pork and Pork products
Fork It Farm Kim and Daniel, Lebrina, Tasmania http://www.forkitfarm.com.au/ forkitfarm@gmail.com
Berkshire pigs
Kelty Farm Woodridge, Tasmania http://www.keltyfarm.com/index.html info@keltyfarm.com
Berkshire pigs, Wessex Saddleback pigs
Langdale Farm The Stocker Family Glengarry Tasmania http://www.langdalefarm.com/
Wessex Saddleback pigs
Longname Farm Selina and Phil, Swanport, Tasmania http://longnamefarm.com.au/ longnamefarm@gmail.com
Tamworth Pigs, Wessex Saddleback pigs
Mount Gnomon Farm Guy Robertson, Penguin, Tasmania http://www.mountgnomonfarm.com.au/ info@mountgnomonfarm.com.au
Wessex Saddleback pigs
Our Mates' Farm Matt and Cor Tack Geeveston, Tasmania http://www.ourmatesfarm.com/
Wessex Saddleback pigs, Large Black pigs
Vermeys Butcher, Sandy Bay, Tasmania, butcher@vermeys.com.au http://vermeys.com.au/
Rare Breed pork
White Grove Farm Luke Trengrove, Huon Valley, Tasmania https://www.whitegrovefarm.com.au/ whitegrovefarm@mail.com
Wessex Saddleback pigs
Brooklyn Free Range Farms Natalie Hardy-Hurst, Blampied, Victoria
British White cattle, Berkshire pigs
Gamze Smokehouse Felix Gamze, Wangaratta, Victoria http://www.gamzesmokehouse.com.au/ enquiries@gamzesmokehouse.com.au
Duroc pigs, Berkshire pigs and Wessex Saddleback pigs
Heathcote Harvest Lyndal & Steve, 32 Tuscan Court, Heathcote, Victoria http://heathcoteharvest.com.au/ Phone: 0466 542 329
Berkshire Pigs, Produce Store and Cafe
The Large Black Pig (Yarra Valley Free Range Pork), Christine Powell-Ross, Macclesfield, Victoria, http://www.largeblackpigs.com.au/
Large Black pigs, Yarra Valley Free Range Pork
273 Smith Street, Fitzroy, Victoria Phone:(03) 9419 8558 http://meatsmith.com.au
227a Barkly Street, St Kilda, Victoria Phone: (03) 9534 3434
Glen Eyrie rare breed pork, Tamworth, Hampshire, Heritage sheep
The Meat Room Kathy & James Mele, http://themeatroom.com.au/ info@themeatroom.com.au
26 Ogradys Rd, Kilmore East, Victoria Ph:0419 850 731 https://www.facebook.com/themeatroom/
Rare Breed Pork - Duroc and Hampshire breeds, Sausage making Classes, Bespoke Butchering
The Butcher's Block 5 Campbell Street, Corrigin, Western Australia https://www.facebook.com/Thebutchersblockcorrigin/
Rare Breed Pork - Berkshire (08) 9063 2113