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Our Purpose
About UsThe Rare Breeds Trust of Australia (RBTA) is a not-for-profit organisation, founded by a group of committed animal breeders and conservationists who work tirelessly to promote and educate the public on the need to conserve livestock genetic diversity. We are facing the largest mass extinction the world has ever seen and at the RBTA we do the grassroots work to promote the conservation of pure breeds of domestic livestock in Australia. On our website, you will find lots of useful information on breeds and species. |
Why do they become rare?It is now more than three-quarters of a century since teams of Clydesdale horses pulling farm implements and carriers' wagons were an everyday sight. As the introduction of the tractor started their demise so the advance of intensive farming has affected other breeds of livestock. An agricultural industry where the biggest profits are the driving force has resulted in bigger holdings run by fewer farmers, and the concentration of pig and poultry production into factory-like conditions. The consequences are hydridisation, demand for efficiency and uniformity of stock. The breeds of farm livestock common in the first hald of last century fell from favour because of these societal and agricultural changes.
The slippery path to oblivionAustralia's Poland China and Chester White pigs have been lost forever. The Gloucestor Old Spot disappeared around 1930. Middle White Pigs disappeared in the 1990's. Cotswold and Wensleydale sheep breeds have also vanished.
Once a breed is gone, its gone forever!What is significant about many of the old breeds is that they combined desireable production traits with distinctive table properties. Old breed literature frequently commented on the differing flavours found in various farm breeds. The Houdan fowl is one that was noted for not only a tender, early maturing carcass but for its delicious tasting eggs. The number of purebred Houdans in the Australia-wide National Poltry Survey taken in 2017 indicated that the numbers were very low with only 80 remaining.
Conservation is importantEvery effort should be made to conserve the remaining domestic production animal breeds whose numbers are declining, in some cases, rapidly. They are part of our heritage and desrve just as much recognition as old bulidings, farm implements and other national treasures. Their retention is paramount in ensuring and securing Australia's food sources in isolation from the threat of introduced diseases. Genetic diversity is vital to healthy and sustainable food production as rare breeds often provide many traits that have been lost in modern "efficent" hybrid varieties. Preserving the diversity of domestic livestock is insurance for future trends and developments. We may need to call upon these breeds for specific traits to enhance the current industrial stocks, for example, characteristics like longevity, disease resistance, climate adaptability and structural soundness. Most of the old domestic breeds are docile, easily managed and attractive to look at, in other words, they are fascinating and fun to be around, different breeds have differing personalities. This is the personal aspect of keeping an endangered breed.
The purpose of the TrustThe Rare Breeds Trust of Australia offers the opportunity for like-minded people to work together to preserve endangered breeds of domestic livestock and learn from each other. We want to ensure that all members have a common voice in promoting our domestic purebred livestock as valuable for the future. Breed them for food and fibre and never stop tellimg people about them.
Please join us!Your support is vital to ensure our work and the Trust continues with vigour to the future. Head to our Join Us page for more information..