Rare Breeds Trust of Australia Privacy Statements

Membership and Volunteer Personal Data Privacy Statement

  • Any supplied addresses and emails are used only to communicate with the member or volunteer.
  • Names, addresses and emails are not provided to any third party at any time.
  • Members may change their details at any time through the online TidyHQ membership website, or alternatively contact rarebreedtrustau@gmail.com to request the changes be made to their membership record.
  • Volunteers, including people who have submitted a Volunteer EOI, should contact rarebreedtrustau@gmail.com to request the changes be made to their volunteer details. .

Breeder Directory Privacy Statement

  • Supplied breed and animal details are published.
  • Your name, email address, and state will be published.
  • Your address, phone number and any supplied PIC will not be published.
  • The Rare Breeds Trust of Australia will create a contact record on its database for you including your personal and breed details.
  • Breeders who have submitted a directory listing, should contact rarebreedtrustau@gmail.com to request the changes be made to their directory details or to request removal of the listing.

Watchlist/Census Submissions Privacy Statement

Submissions to our rare breed watchlist/census data collection actions is completely voluntary and is conducted as an opt-in action.

  • Provision of your name and email is optional.
  • PICs are not requested.
  • Any supplied emails will only be used to communicate with the respondent during the data entry process to clarify any supplied information.
  • Any supplied names and emails are destroyed once the accuracy of data entry is confirmed.
  • Names and emails are not provided to any third party at any time.
  • Finalised, completely de-identified data, is made available publicly through the Rare Breeds Trust of Australia website. The Trust may also provide the de-identified data to rare breed associations in Australia, and state and national breed associations. The Trust may also use the de-identified data for rare breeds promotion wherever appropriate.


The Rare Breeds Trust of Australia is a not-for-profit, charitable company limited by guarantee. It does not report to government other than for its annual financial reporting obligations to the ACNC. The RBTA receives no government funding.