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Wagin Woolorama W.a.

Fri, 7 Mar 2025
07-03-2025 09:00
08-03-2025 16:00

What a show! - fleece classes galore, sheep breed classes, beef cattle, horses, poultry including waterfowl, eggs - and there's even a rodeo! Wagin is the town of the Big Sheep (his name is Bart).

Masses of exhibits and competitions. Loads of trade stalls. Sheep dogs. Wool handling. Utes. Fashion.

All the popular exhibits and comps of photography, art, cooking, horticulture and more. Loads of family fun.

Venue is very roomy - so one doesn't feel crowded - over 20,000 attend. Well run by the Wagin Agricultural Show Society Inc.

Wagin Show Ground
17 Theta St, Wagin WA 6315, Australia

162 Walker Road, Glenlyon, Queensland, 4380, Australia

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