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Rare Breeds Trust of Australia - 2024 Poultry Census

Sun, 5 May 2024
05-05-2024 22:00
30-05-2024 23:00

The 2024 Rare Breeds Trust of Australia's Poultry Census is open. Head to the 2024 Poultry Census menu on the Trust website at https://rarebreedstrust.com.au to find out how to submit your breeding age pure breed poultry numbers - chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowl - to the 4th RBTA Poultry Census.

The Census is voluntary. You can choose to provide your name and email, or not to provide them. PICs are not requested. Distributed results are completely anonymous. Any provided personal details are destroyed after all data has been collated

The RBTA Poultry Census is an important snapshot of how poultry numbers in Australia are faring, especially since there appears to have been an increase in the numbers of people keeping poultry courtesy of the COVID years. The goal of the Rare Breeds Trust of Australia’s 2024 census is to increase awareness of rare breeds and through this increase the number of breeders taking them on. The ultimate goal is that breeds move to an “In Recovery” status.

The Trust’s Rare Breeds Watchlist provides important listings for poultry clubs in profiling exhibition rare breeds at shows and education activities. Having breeders seek out a rare breed after seeing it at a show, supports not only an obvious increase in numbers but also the development of information networks for strengthening the breed. Including utility strains and heritage breeds fills out the picture of domestic poultry in Australia, providing a wider view of poultry keeping in Australia.

This time around the Census is similar to a Poultry Show Schedule and entry form. There are census codes - aka class numbers on a show schedule; and a submission form - aka entry form. This will allow for submitting a number of breeds/forms/colours/ varieties all in one go. For those wanting to do online entry there is an online option (one submission at a time). If you want to be emailed the Census documents, or be sent a link to the online submission form, email rbtapoultrycensus2024@gmail.com.

We have heard that some breeders have bird numbers that would take that breed out of the 2021 assigned rare status. Which is great! The goal really is to move breeds (and forms) out of being rare!

For all enquiries email rbtapoultrycensus2024@gmail.com.

162 Walker Road, Glenlyon, Queensland, 4380, Australia

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